
object Companion


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Linear function representing the x-axis.


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fun ofInclusiveInterceptAndPoint(intercept: Option<Double>, pointX: Double, pointY: Option<Double>): LinearFunction

Returns a linear function by (0.0, intercept) and (pointX, pointY) within a closed parameter range. If the intercept or the pointY is not finite (e.g. NaN), the respective other value is used.

Returns a linear function constructed by (0.0, intercept) and (pointX, pointY) within a closed parameter range.

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fun ofInclusivePoints(point1X: Double, point1Y: Double, point2X: Double, point2Y: Double): LinearFunction

Returns a linear function constructed by (point1X, point1Y) and (point2X, point2Y) within a closed parameter range.

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Returns a linear function starting at (0.0, intercept) and stopping at (pointY - intercept , pointY) with a slope of 1.0 and a closed parameter range.

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fun LinearFunction.Companion.ofSpiralCurvature(curvatureStart: Double, curvatureEnd: Double, length: Double): LinearFunction