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Abstract class for all geometric curve objects in 3D.

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data class CompositeCurve3D(val curveMembers: NonEmptyList<AbstractCurve3D>, absoluteDomains: NonEmptyList<Range<Double>>, absoluteStarts: NonEmptyList<Double>) : AbstractCurve3D
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data class Curve3D(val curveXY: AbstractCurve2D, val heightFunction: UnivariateFunction, val torsionFunction: UnivariateFunction = LinearFunction.X_AXIS) : AbstractCurve3D

A curve in 3D defined by a curve in 2D and a height function. Furthermore, the curve can have a torsion, which is relevant for pose and transformation matrix calculations along the curve. See the wikipedia article on torsion of a curve.

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data class CurveOnParametricSurface3D(baseSurface: AbstractCurveRelativeSurface3D, lateralOffsetFunction: UnivariateFunction, heightOffsetFunction: UnivariateFunction = LinearFunction.X_AXIS) : AbstractCurve3D

Curve that lies on a parametric surface. This curve is parallel to the baseSurface's curve but defined by a laterally translated by a lateralOffsetFunction and vertically translated by a heightOffsetFunction.

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class Line3D(point1: Vector3D, point2: Vector3D, tolerance: Double)

Represents a line in 3D.

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class LineSegment3D(val start: Vector3D, val end: Vector3D, val tolerance: Double, endBoundType: BoundType = BoundType.CLOSED) : AbstractCurve3D

Line segment in 3D defined by a start and end vector.

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class LineString3D(val vertices: NonEmptyList<Vector3D>, val tolerance: Double) : AbstractCurve3D

Curve specified by a sequence of vertices.


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fun Line.toLine3D(tolerance: Double): Line3D

Conversion from adapted Line class from Apache Commons Math.