
data class Spiral2D(val cDot: Double)

Represents a spiral of the form: x(l) = A * sqrt(pi) * int_0^l cos( (pit^2) / 2 ) dt y(l) = A * sqrt(pi) * int_0^l sin( (pit^2) / 2 ) dt Asymptotic points at (Asqrt(pi)/2, Asqrt(pi)/2) and (-Asqrt(pi)/2, -Asqrt(pi)/2).



first derivative of curvature


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constructor(cDot: Double)


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Returns the curvature at the spiral position l.

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Returns a point in cartesian coordinates at the spiral position l. The point is calculated by using a Fresnel integral implementation.

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Returns the pose at the spiral position l.

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Returns the rotation of the tangent at the spiral position l.