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abstract class AbstractAffine

Representation of an abstract affine transformation matrix.

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class Affine2D(matrix: Matrix3dc) : AbstractAffine

Affine transformation matrix and operations in 2D.

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class Affine3D(matrix: Matrix4dc) : AbstractAffine

Affine transformation matrix and operations in 3D.

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data class AffineSequence2D(val affineList: List<Affine2D>)

Represents a sequence of affine transformation matrices in 2D.

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data class AffineSequence3D(val affineList: List<Affine3D>)

Represents a sequence of affine transformation matrices in 3D.


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fun Matrix3dc.isAffine(): Boolean
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fun Matrix4dc.toRealMatrix(): RealMatrix
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fun Vector3d.toRealVector(): RealVector
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fun Vector3d.toVector2D(): Vector2D