
data class Opendrive2RoadspacesParameters(val concurrentProcessing: Boolean, val numberTolerance: Double, val planViewGeometryDistanceTolerance: Double, val planViewGeometryAngleTolerance: Double, val attributesPrefix: String, val deriveCrsEpsgAutomatically: Boolean, val crsEpsg: Int, val extrapolateLateralRoadShapes: Boolean)

Transformation parameters for the OpenDRIVE to RoadSpace transformer.


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constructor(concurrentProcessing: Boolean, numberTolerance: Double, planViewGeometryDistanceTolerance: Double, planViewGeometryAngleTolerance: Double, attributesPrefix: String, deriveCrsEpsgAutomatically: Boolean, crsEpsg: Int, extrapolateLateralRoadShapes: Boolean)


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object Companion


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prefix of attribute names

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enable concurrency during processing

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EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (obligatory for working with GIS applications)

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EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (obligatory for working with GIS applications)

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linear extrapolation of lateral road shapes if they are not defined at the position (otherwise errors are thrown)

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allowed tolerance when comparing double values

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angle tolerance between two geometry elements of the plan view

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distance tolerance between two geometry elements of the plan view