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Abstract class for all geometric solid objects in 3D.

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data class Cuboid3D(val length: Double, val width: Double, val height: Double, val tolerance: Double, val affineSequence: AffineSequence3D = AffineSequence3D.EMPTY) : AbstractSolid3D

Represents a cuboid in 3D with the dimension (length, width, height). The origin of the local coordinate system is located at the center of the ground face.

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data class Cylinder3D(val radius: Double, val height: Double, val tolerance: Double, val affineSequence: AffineSequence3D = AffineSequence3D.EMPTY, numberSlices: Int = DEFAULT_NUMBER_SLICES) : AbstractSolid3D

Represents a cylinder in 3D which center is located at the local coordinate system's origin and raises in the direction of the z axis.

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data class ParametricSweep3D(val referenceCurveXY: LateralTranslatedCurve2D, val absoluteHeight: UnivariateFunction, val objectHeightFunction: LinearFunction, val objectWidthFunction: LinearFunction, val tolerance: Double, discretizationStepSize: Double) : AbstractSolid3D, DefinableDomain<Double> , Tolerable

Represents a parametric sweep in 3D. This refers to a geometry solid, which is defined by a referenceCurveXY. The width and height of the solid is defined as functions along the reference curve.

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data class Polyhedron3D(val polygons: NonEmptyList<Polygon3D>, val tolerance: Double, val affineSequence: AffineSequence3D = AffineSequence3D.EMPTY) : AbstractSolid3D

Represents a polyhedron in 3D.