
data class LinearFunction(val slope: Double, val intercept: Double = 0.0, val domain: Range<Double> = Range.all()) : UnivariateFunction

Linear function of the form f(x) = slope * x + intercept.



slope of linear function


intercept at f(0)


defined domain for the function


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constructor(slope: Double, intercept: Double = 0.0, domain: Range<Double> = Range.all())


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object Companion


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open override val domain: Range<Double>
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val endValue: Either<Exception, Double>

endValue = f(upper endpoint of domain).

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val intercept: Double = 0.0
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startValue = f(lowest endpoint of domain).


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operator fun div(m: Double): StackedFunction
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fun slope(x: Double): Either<Exception, Double>

Evaluation of the slope = f'(x) with strict checking whether x is within the function's domain.

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fun slopeInFuzzy(x: Double, tolerance: Double): Either<Exception, Double>

Evaluation of the slope = f(x) with fuzzy checking whether x is within the function's domain.

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operator fun times(m: Double): StackedFunction
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operator fun unaryMinus(): StackedFunction
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fun value(x: Double): Either<Exception, Double>

Evaluation of z = f(x) with strict checking whether x is within the function's domain.

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open fun valueInFuzzy(x: Double, tolerance: Double): Either<Exception, Double>

Evaluation of z = f(x) with fuzzy checking whether x is within the function's domain.