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Generates a surface based geometry representation for CityGML by visiting the geometry class.

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fun AbstractSpace.populateLod0Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD0 point geometry of an AbstractSpace object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

fun AbstractThematicSurface.populateLod0Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD0 geometry of an AbstractThematicSurface object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

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fun AbstractSpace.populateLod1Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD1 geometry of an AbstractSpace object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer. So only the solid geometry are populated at LOD1 (since multiSurface, multiCurve are not available at this LOD).

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fun AbstractOccupiedSpace.populateLod1ImplicitGeometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer)

Populates the LOD implicit geometry of an AbstractOccupiedSpace object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

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fun AbstractThematicSurface.populateLod1MultiSurface(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD1 geometry of an AbstractThematicSurface object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

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fun AbstractSpace.populateLod2Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD2 geometry of an AbstractSpace object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer. Only the first available geometry type is populated, with the prioritization order being: solid, multiSurface, multiCurve.

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fun AbstractThematicSurface.populateLod2MultiSurface(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD2 geometry of an AbstractThematicSurface object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

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fun AbstractThematicSurface.populateLod2MultiSurfaceOrLod0Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>
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fun AbstractSpace.populateLod3Geometry(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD2 geometry of an AbstractSpace object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer. Only the first available geometry type is populated, with the prioritization order being: solid, multiSurface, multiCurve.

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fun AbstractThematicSurface.populateLod3MultiSurface(geometryTransformer: GeometryTransformer): Either<GeometryTransformerException, Unit>

Populates the LOD3 geometry of an AbstractThematicSurface object with the source geometries of the GeometryTransformer.

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fun Affine3D.toGmlTransformationMatrix4x4(): TransformationMatrix4x4

Converts a GmlTransformationMatrix4x4 object from an affine matrix.