
data class Roadspaces2CitygmlParameters(val concurrentProcessing: Boolean, val gmlIdPrefix: String, val xlinkPrefix: String, val identifierAttributesPrefix: String, val geometryAttributesPrefix: String, val flattenGenericAttributeSets: Boolean, val discretizationStepSize: Double, val sweepDiscretizationStepSize: Double, val circleSlices: Int, val generateRandomGeometryIds: Boolean, val transformAdditionalRoadLines: Boolean, val generateLongitudinalFillerSurfaces: Boolean, val mappingBackwardsCompatibility: Boolean)


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constructor(concurrentProcessing: Boolean, gmlIdPrefix: String, xlinkPrefix: String, identifierAttributesPrefix: String, geometryAttributesPrefix: String, flattenGenericAttributeSets: Boolean, discretizationStepSize: Double, sweepDiscretizationStepSize: Double, circleSlices: Int, generateRandomGeometryIds: Boolean, transformAdditionalRoadLines: Boolean, generateLongitudinalFillerSurfaces: Boolean, mappingBackwardsCompatibility: Boolean)


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number of discretization points for a circle or cylinder

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enable concurrency during processing

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distance between each discretization step for curves and surfaces

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true, if nested attribute lists shall be flattened out

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if true, filler surfaces are generated to close gaps at lane transitions

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true, if random ids shall be generated for the gml geometries

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prefix for geometry attribute names

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prefix for generated gml ids

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prefix for identifier attribute names

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if true, only classes are populated that are also available in CityGML2

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distance between each discretization step for solid geometries of ParametricSweep3D

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if true, additional road lines, such as the reference line, lane boundaries, etc. are also transformed

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prefix for xlinks in XML document