Package-level declarations


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class ConcatenatedFunction(    memberFunctions: List<UnivariateFunction>,     absoluteDomains: List<Range<Double>>,     absoluteStarts: List<Double>) : UnivariateFunction

Represents the sequential concatenation of the provided member functions.

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class SectionedUnivariateFunction(    completeFunction: UnivariateFunction,     section: Range<Double>) : UnivariateFunction

Cuts out a section from the completeFunction. The resulting domain of the SectionedUnivariateFunction starts at 0.0 and ends at the length of the section.

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class StackedFunction(    memberFunctions: List<UnivariateFunction>,     operation: (operands: List<Double>) -> Double,     defaultValue: Double = Double.NaN) : UnivariateFunction

Stacks multiple functions and outputs the value according to the defined operation.