Package-level declarations


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data class Header(val coordinateReferenceSystem: Option<CoordinateReferenceSystem>, val name: Option<String>, val date: Option<String>, val vendor: Option<String>, val north: Double = Double.NaN, val south: Double = Double.NaN, val east: Double = Double.NaN, val west: Double = Double.NaN)

Header of the RoadspacesModel containing the model's meta information.

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class RoadspacesModel(val header: Header, roadspaces: List<Roadspace>, junctions: List<Junction>) : AbstractModel

The RoadspacesModel is a parametric implementation of the objects within a road space and is capable of generating surface based representations. Therefore, it can serve as intermediate model, as it can read the parametric modeling approach of OpenDRIVE and generate the surface based modeling approach of CityGML.