Returns a list, over which window was moved/ slided over. This function is an abstract implementation of the moving average, but it can also be used to realize boolean window filters.
the list over which the window is moved
the size of the resulting list depends on the shape
the window is moved or slided over the receiver
higher order function for multiplying the elements of the receiver list with elements of the window
the resulting list is as long as the base list if MovingWindowShape.SAME or base.size + other.size, if MovingWindowShape.FULL
Moving a window over a Boolean list with boolean window.
the list over which the window is moved
an element of the returned list is true, if the multiplication of at least one element of the receiver and window list is true
the window is moved or slided over the receiver
the resulting list is as long as the base list if MovingWindowShape.SAME or base.size + other.size, if MovingWindowShape.FULL