
Java class for t_road_surface_CRG complex type


The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

<complexType name="t_road_surface_CRG">
    <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType">
      <group ref="{}g_additionalData"/>
      <attribute name="file" use="required" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" />
      <attribute name="sStart" use="required" type="{}t_grEqZero" />
      <attribute name="sEnd" use="required" type="{}t_grEqZero" />
      <attribute name="orientation" use="required" type="{}e_direction" />
      <attribute name="mode" use="required" type="{}e_road_surface_CRG_mode" />
      <attribute name="purpose" type="{}e_road_surface_CRG_purpose" />
      <attribute name="sOffset" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}double" />
      <attribute name="tOffset" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}double" />
      <attribute name="zOffset" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}double" />
      <attribute name="zScale" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}double" />
      <attribute name="hOffset" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}double" />


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Gets the value of the dataQuality property.
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open fun getFile(): String
Gets the value of the file property.
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open fun getHOffset(): Double
Gets the value of the hOffset property.
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Gets the value of the include property.
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Gets the value of the mode property.
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Gets the value of the orientation property.
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Gets the value of the purpose property.
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open fun getSEnd(): Double
Gets the value of the sEnd property.
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open fun getSOffset(): Double
Gets the value of the sOffset property.
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open fun getSStart(): Double
Gets the value of the sStart property.
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open fun getTOffset(): Double
Gets the value of the tOffset property.
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Gets the value of the userData property.
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open fun getZOffset(): Double
Gets the value of the zOffset property.
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open fun getZScale(): Double
Gets the value of the zScale property.
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open fun setDataQuality(value: T_DataQuality)
Sets the value of the dataQuality property.
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open fun setFile(value: String)
Sets the value of the file property.
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open fun setHOffset(value: Double)
Sets the value of the hOffset property.
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Sets the value of the mode property.
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open fun setOrientation(value: E_Direction)
Sets the value of the orientation property.
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Sets the value of the purpose property.
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open fun setSEnd(value: Double)
Sets the value of the sEnd property.
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open fun setSOffset(value: Double)
Sets the value of the sOffset property.
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open fun setSStart(value: Double)
Sets the value of the sStart property.
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open fun setTOffset(value: Double)
Sets the value of the tOffset property.
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open fun setZOffset(value: Double)
Sets the value of the zOffset property.
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open fun setZScale(value: Double)
Sets the value of the zScale property.