
open class T_DataQuality

Raw data or data from external sources that is integrated in OpenDRIVE may be of varying quality. It is possible to describe quality and accuracy of external data in OpenDRIVE. The description of the data quality is represented by elements. They may be stored at any position in OpenDRIVE. Measurement data derived from external sources like GPS that is integrated in OpenDRIVE may be inaccurate. The error range, given in [m], may be listed in the application.

Java class for t_dataQuality complex type


The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

<complexType name="t_dataQuality">
    <restriction base="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType">
        <element name="error" type="{}t_dataQuality_Error" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="rawData" type="{}t_dataQuality_RawData" minOccurs="0"/>


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Gets the value of the error property.
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Gets the value of the rawData property.
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open fun setError(value: T_DataQuality_Error)
Sets the value of the error property.
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Sets the value of the rawData property.