Package-level declarations
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object Curve2DBuilder
Builder for curves in 2D from the OpenDRIVE data model.
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object Curve3DBuilder
Builder for curves in 3D from the OpenDRIVE data model.
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object LinearRing3DFactory
Factory for building LinearRing3D for which multiple preparation steps are required to overcome heterogeneous input.
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object Polyhedron3DFactory
Factory for building Polyhedron3D for which multiple preparation steps are required to overcome heterogeneous input.
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object Solid3DBuilder
Builder for solid geometries in 3D from the OpenDRIVE data model.
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object Surface3DBuilder
Builder for surface geometries in 3D from the OpenDRIVE data model.
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object Vector3DBuilder
Builder for vectors in 3D from the OpenDRIVE data model.