object Curve2DBuilder
Builder for curves in 2D from the OpenDRIVE data model.
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fun buildCurve2DFromPlanViewGeometries(planViewGeometryList: NonEmptyList<RoadPlanViewGeometry>, numberTolerance: Double, distanceTolerance: Double, angleTolerance: Double): CompositeCurve2D
Builds a concatenated curve in 2D for the OpenDRIVE's plan view elements.
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fun buildLateralTranslatedCurve(repeat: RoadObjectsObjectRepeat, roadReferenceLine: Curve3D, numberTolerance: Double): LateralTranslatedCurve2D
Builds the function for laterally translating the roadReferenceLine which is inter alia required for the building of road objects.
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fun prepareCurveMembers(planViewGeometryList: NonEmptyList<RoadPlanViewGeometry>, numberTolerance: Double): Triple<List<AbstractCurve2D>, List<Range<Double>>, List<Double>>
Prepares the list of RoadPlanViewGeometry for constructing the composite curve.